Working with Amy catalyzed major shifts in my dating life and, actually, my entire life. Amy helped me see myself and my patterns so much more clearly than I had before, and supported me in shedding them and creating new ways of being. In addition, I gained a much richer and more practical understanding of men, masculine and feminine energies, and the courtship process. As a result, I have become stronger, more resilient, and more gracious. And just as a hint to anyone considering working with her, these changes could have only come through the lived practice of dating following the principles that she teaches — theoretical doesn’t cut it.

When I started to work with Amy I was not dating. I had been told by an astrologer that I’d be married by a certain date, and I counted on it. That day came and went, and I was still not even dating. I realized there must be something more to learn. That required courage and putting myself out there and trusting God. I had been married but hadn’t dated for a long time. My skill set was rusty, if I even had one. What dating did was open me to a process I avoided. Now— I go on dates and choose to just be with myself in the presence of a man. Breathing, allowing, not needing to fix him, heal him, or impress him. None of that.  It is the most confronting thing to let a man take care of himself and just learn to receive.  

"As an introvert who has a tendency towards hyper-independence and over-achievement, it was easy for me to distract myself with other goals and hope that romantic relationship and marriage would just fall into my lap. After several years of a slow and unfulfilling dating life (compounded by the pandemic), I realized I needed to change how I was approaching dating and started working with Amy in Voxer, reading the recommended books, and applying the principles she teaches both in the real world and on the apps. I know that through dating consciously with these principles, I am already creating a strong foundation for an emotionally intimate and fulfilling marriage -- even if it takes a little longer."